Located in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina, the historic Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church has been a pillar in the community since it was founded by a small group of residents of the First Ward in 1891. The popular church not only boasts a music program led by recording artist Christopher Ervine, every Sunday morning, the choir, band and praise team lift churchgoers up with a powerful and modern take on traditional Gospel music. Since being founded, the church has been relocated and reconstructed numerous times to better serve its growing congregation and its worship needs. In 2001, construction began on a new sanctuary and family life center. The building was completed in 2002 and the Mt. Moriah congregation soon began attending services in the new facility.
Greater Mount Moriah

We were excited to use the Pioneer Pro Audio line to provide exactly what our customer needed for this project and have been amazed by the performance of the productsCaleb Baker | Music Maker USA
The existing sound system at Mt. Moriah was initially designed to enhance and project spoken word but did not adequately serve the musical needs of the ministry. The church leaders knew as their music programs grew, they needed to upgrade to a more versatile and robust sound system. Music Maker USA was tasked with designing and installing a sound system that would acoustically elevate the sanctuary and bring a higher level of audio intelligibility to the worship space.
Music Maker USA selected Pioneer Pro Audio as the sound provider given a longstanding respect for the quality of products the company provides. When asked why they decided to partner with Pioneer Pro Audio, Caleb Baker of Music Maker USA said, “We have always respected the integrity of both the Pioneer brand name and the company. We were excited to use the Pioneer Pro Audio line to provide exactly what our customer needed for this project and have been amazed by the performance of the products.” Music Maker USA outfitted the sanctuary main floor and balconies of the Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church with a total of eight XY-122 speakers and complimented it with two of the XY-218S subwoofers.
The audio results were immediately notable and acoustically exceptional. Since then, the church ministry has received nothing but positive comments to share with the Music Maker USA team for their audio installation and the products they selected. The speakers now provide consistent coverage and great tone, something the ministry sought for its time of worship. They also noted that the speakers are aesthetically pleasing in the space. Since project completion, they have used the sound system for every Sunday morning worship and several community events.